Everything I use to record footage and in helmet audio while riding.
* Some of the below are affiliate links, to which I may make a commission should you make a purchase


This view is from a GoPro (I use a 7) on super wide view. I use this brand of chin mounts. I like these mounts because they are custom made for each helmet for a perfectly flush fit. Once the sticky wore off after extreme temperatures and rain, I tried this moldable glue and it has held up the best for me.

360 CAMERA angles

Below are stills from different angles using my Insta360 “Motorcycle Kit”. The items in the red circle on the right - that stick is extendable and the claw looking thing is how I clamp the 360 on the stick down on various parts of the bike. There are less places to attach it to on a naked bike, but baggers with crash guards or bikes with tail racks have lots of places to attach it to.

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I use the ZoomH1N portable voice recorder with the Panda lapel mic. While riding, I keep the voice recorder in my jacket pocket, and wire the mic up behind my cheek pad and place it in front of my mouth - just got to make sure my visor, all my vents are closed. TryItWithTim’s YouTube video helped me to figure out the proper settings. This video is a good example using this audio and settings. I rarely use this now since the motovlogging view is such low retention on YouTube.

EDITING software

To edit my videos, I use iMovie, as it is free on Macs. For my thumbnails, I use Photoshop, which I already had before I started YouTube when I did freelance graphic design.


I got my night riding settings from this video