i thought it was impossible and they said, “we can do it!”
It's been 4 years since I've gone full time on YouTube, 2 years since these two have come on board as editors, and 4 months since they started appearing in front of the camera.
So what happened behind the scenes?
For the 4 years I've been full time on YouTube, I've missed 3 month worth of videos. Not all at once, but total throughout the year. Keeping up with filming, editing, training, trips, events with overlapping dates... meant my goal of hitting weekly videos at the quality I wanted was next to impossible. When Whitney and Maria first came onboard for editing, I took full advantage of the extra time and spent more time on the channel and growing it behind the scenes. So I missed 3 months of videos again. I have a document of almost 300 video ideas with not enough time or bandwidth to film them all.
This year, it's my goal to release a video every week. And I have a plan to make it happen. Maria & Whitney, both biker ladies with a love of riding and their own cool stories to share, were onboard helping to make that happen. So here they are, filming videos *with* me, some totally their own, with Maria bringing her newer rider, yet mechanically-inclined perspective, and Whitney bringing her diverse, long experience riding & hilarious humor.
Whitney's Tail of the Dragon video just dropped TODAY, with her upcoming R9 and MT09 reviews coming soon. Next month, you'll see our series shot at Bikes and Beards, riding some of their most ridiculous bikes.
Shout out to YOU for being here, helping some girl's hobby talking about bikes turn into a little internet TV show, and shout out to the companies making it possible. Below are some links that to all our gear, courtesy of these companies, on our first road trip together:
Flying Eyes https://bit.ly/FlyingEyesShades code DOODLE10
BrakeFree https://bit.ly/BFHelmetLight code DOODLE10
Peak Design Phone Mount https://bit.ly/PDWirelessChargingMount
Helmet http://bit.ly/AraiCorsair-X
Jacket https://bit.ly/ReaxAltJacketW
Gloves https://bit.ly/RevItSand4GlovesW
Similar jacket https://bit.ly/BrTxtileJacketW
Helmet https://bit.ly/BiltwellHelmet
Boots https://bit.ly/AlpBoots
Helmet https://bit.ly/AGVHelmetK6S
Pants https://bit.ly/Bull-ItJeans